Posted by h


When we are using cd/dvd we should handle it with a care.But when there is a childrens in our house directly catches cds and sometimes they used to play with those cds.At that time cds are spoils with scraches,handprints etc which effects the quality of movie or anything else contained in that cd.Many people are used to threw it in garbage and some of them use it to make an decorative items.But most of the people never think to reuse it by recovering those scratched cds .In this article i show you a few tips how to recover scratched cds.


1. Spread a cloth on a flat surface and place the CD on it. 
2. Then, hold the disc with one hand, use the other to wipe the polish into the affected area with a soft cloth. 
3. Wait for it to dry and buff using short, brisk strokes along the scratch, not across it. 
4. A cloth sold to wipe spectacles or camera lenses will work super m8's. 
5. When you can no longersee the scratch,, wash the disc with water and let it dry before playing. 
>I have used toothpaste with good effects before Ive also used car paint cutting compound on deeper scratches. It does leave lots of smaller scratches (as it is a cutting compound after all) but it will remove the worst scratches in most cases.

NOTE: In this cases generally you get problems.

* Fingermarks/prints cause 43% of disc problems.
* General wear & tear causes 25% of disc problems.
* Player-related issues cause 15% of disc problems.


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