Concept of thermodynamic system

Posted by h

Thermodynamic system :

Region or space that contained matter and whose behaviour is going to study is known as thermodymic system. The system and surroundings is seperated with an boundary.Inside the boundary we call it as an system,outside the boundary is an surroundings.

For description of thermodynamic system the following quantities are need to be specified

1.Quantity and composition of matter.
2.Measurable properties like pressure,volume and temperature.
3.Energy of the system. 

Types of Thermodynamic systems :

Thermodynamic systems are classified into five types namely
1.Open system
2.closed system
3.Isolated system
4.Adiabatic system
5.Homogeneous and heterogeneous system

1.Open system: 

Open system is a system which has both energy and mass transfer with the surroundings.
Examples :Motar car engine,water wheel ,boiler etc.

2.Closed system :

It is a system which has only energy transfer with the surroundings but no mass  transfer.
Examples : Cylinder with piston,bomb calorimeter,motar car battery,pressure cooker,ice   cream  freezer,kitchen refrigerateor etc

3.Isolated system : 

Isolated system contains fixed mass and fixed,no mass and energy  transfer with the surroundings.
Examples : Universe,thermos flask etc.

4.Adiabatic system : 

Adiabatic system is thermally insulated from its surroundings.hence,it allows  energy transfer only  through work.because it is enclosed with adiabatic walls and not allows heat  transfer.
Example :Nozzle

5.Homogeneous and heterogeneous system :

> A system whose mass content is uniform throughout the  system i.e it consists of single phase    known as homogeneous system.
Examples:Mixture of ammonia in water,mixture of air and water vapour,Water and nitric acid.
>A system whose mass content varies throughout the system i.e it consisting of more than one phase  is known as heterogeneous system.
Examples :Mixture of ice and water,mixture of mercury and water,water and gasoline,wet steam.


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